Welcome to my Corner

My "corner" is focused on Greenwood Hill Farm, a Merino Sheep operation located in Massachusetts. We raise our sheep primarily for their wool which we have processed into soft, itch free knitting and crocheting yarn in all natural colors. Towards the end of a career in the Navy, my wife, Andrea, and I purchased our long sought historic farm and began our current oddesy over 30 years ago.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

It's Festival Season

Hardly time to take a deep breath around here lately.  Andrea and I were in DC for the ASI Legislative session 2-4 May.  The trip is focused on making sure things that matter to the sheep industry are being heard by our legislators in Washington.  After a briefing to ensure we were all on the same page on Monday evening, we were hosted for dinner at the New Zealand Embassy.  Tuesday started with an all morning session at the Department of Agriculture and a review of their programs from staff.  There were lots of questions and great answers.  That afternoon we started our visits to the House and Senate which continued into Wednesday.  The final event was the Sheep Industry hosted Lamb Barbeque at the Old Dominion Boat House in Alexandria, VA.

Thursday found us en-route to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival for the 38th annual edition of that large event.  My take on the weekend was that the combination of the economy and fuel costs held the line on the crowd.  Most vendors reported sales off a bit, however, keep in mind that Maryland is one of the biggest Festivals and usually sets the standard for sales for the year.

Returning home on Monday the 8th we had only four days to reload and get off to the New Hampshire Sheep and Wool Festival.  Saturday there was perfect and the crowd and sales were ahead of the norm.  Unfortunately, Sunday was nearly a total rain-out for most everyone.  Andrea's booth was busy all day on Saturday and her location helped keep customers close at hand during Sunday's deluge.  I was privileged to give a talk on Merinos and Fine Wools on both days and hopefully answered all questions well. 

Next up:  Massachusetts Sheep and Woolcraft Fair on Saturday and Sunday of the Memorial Day weekend.  Don't forget those who made the ultimate sacrifice on Memorial Day!