Welcome to my Corner

My "corner" is focused on Greenwood Hill Farm, a Merino Sheep operation located in Massachusetts. We raise our sheep primarily for their wool which we have processed into soft, itch free knitting and crocheting yarn in all natural colors. Towards the end of a career in the Navy, my wife, Andrea, and I purchased our long sought historic farm and began our current oddesy over 30 years ago.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Snow? What Snow!

Where have all the snowflakes gone, long time melting.......OK, I'll calm down.  Seriously though, what's up with the weather.  For those of you who have not gone through the last several months here in New England, pay attention!  (Well, except those in the Southwest in the midst of an epic drought and those to the north of Texas with the massive floods, and California......,well just because it is California.)  I guess we aren't alone with strange weather.

November began with our monthly producers meeting held this month in Holden at the Senior's Center and hosted by Gordon and Barbara MacPhee.  The turnout was a bit disappointing, however, given that several of those who were there left their farms with still no power; it makes sense that several of our producers were bowing to a stronger priority.  Our speakers were Dr. William Smith, Vet in Charge USDA out of Sutton, MA and Dr. Loraine O'Connor who is our singular Massachusetts State Vet. The two reviewed the Scrapie Eradication program and answered many really good questions from the members in attendance.  I was pleased to hear them stress the requirement and necessity for using ear-tags to ensure our animals are traceable.   Also discussed was the realization that the magic "RR" rating does not seem to mean the sheep are not going to be impacted by Scrapie, but rather it might well only suggest that the animal will not show the classic symptoms of the disease right up to their demise from the disease.  Another good topic brought up through questions concerned the requirement to inoculate our animals for Rabies. The point was made that it is required that we do protect our livestock and the public exposed to them, while it is not required that a Vet do the inoculation.  The suggestion is to work with your own Vet and see if you can establish a relationship that allows your doing the inoculation and providing the documentation that will satisfy the Vet and give them the confidence required to sign a health paper.  It was a "not to be missed" program.  We should reschedule them next year.

Kudos to the New England Sheep and Wool Growers and The Eastern States Expo staff for all of their work in and around The Fiber Festival of New England.    I recall being told that it takes at least 3 years to change buying habits and establish new venues and therefore we did sign up to be back in 2012.  The dates for next year are November 3-4, mark your calendars.  Our heartfelt thanks goes out to all of you who stopped by our booths in all of the Festivals.  Your endorsement of our efforts here at Greenwood Hill Farm take us into the winter season with energy and commitment to be back again next year. This event could eventually be a place for our producer associations to advertise and gain membership as well as financial support.........so we need to be involved in helping make it a go!

I attended the annual meeting of the Worcester County Conservation Commission on the 10th of November.  The guest speaker that evening was Representative McGovern who is a new member of the House Agricultural Committee.  Mr. McGovern voiced some dismay at the current process of using a super committee meeting in secret to find budget cuts in all programs.  As a member of the Ag Comm, he and the other members are on the outside looking in.  Actually, there hasn't been a budget passed in the last several years with everyone sitting at the table in the public eye, so I am not sure what the complaint is.  I do agree with him that the big agriculture lobby money is out in the western part of the country and there is some likelihood that they are going to marginalize support for we small producers.  You can trust me when I say that I am not sure if I can prevent that, however I do have a seat at the sheep industry table and they are hearing from me.  I will keep everyone as up to date as I can about what is going on with the Farm Bill and other issues of interest.  If you have questions, let me know.....I will ask them!